Monday, October 22, 2007

Stupid rain... (pt. 2)

Well, I kinda got my wish. From Thursday morning to Saturday afternoon it didn't rain. So I managed to get some wood into the shed. The rest of it was still soggy so it stayed out... and got another wash. A 24-hour wash. Followed by a 4 hour wash this morning. And possibly another on Wednesday.

Outside of whining,

Build wood shelf

I had been meaning to make a set of shelves for my kitchen closet, upon which I could keep 3-4 days supply of firewood, as well as kindling and old newspapers (that way all four of my kitchen chairs are free... not that they're used much anyways). It's now my fire closet.

I was surprised: they took me less than an hour, and cost less than $15 worth of materials (four 2x4 studs, one 2'x4' sheet of 7/16" OSB, and 56 nails). Here are the steps:

  1. Cut two 1' lengths off each of the studs, so you should have eight 1' lengths in total (the cleats), and four ~69" lengths left (the legs)
  2. From the bottom of each leg, mark across at 12", 30", 48", and 66"
  3. With 8d common nails, face nail and glue four of the cleats across two of the legs such that the top of each cleat is flush with the marks above.
  4. Repeat above. You should have two 1' wide "ladders"
  5. Cut the OSB into four 1'x2' shelves.
  6. Nail (with 8d common nails) and glue the ends of the OSB shelves onto the tops of the cleats such that they span the two "ladders".

Certainly not the prettiest looking shelves, but quite functional. Plus they've got that wicked OSB smell (what I call "new shed smell"). Good for a junk room or dodgy closet like I have.

There... this blog isn't just drinking stories and modest life updates.

But it is that too. Thursday night I hosted trivia with JP, which was quite a hoot. I love doing it; if only I knew more trivia, I could host more frequently. I got pretty drunk that night, which made for a sluggish day of work on Friday.

The weekend was pretty good too. Kinda productive (as above), as well as choking back a few brews with friends. On Saturday night, this imbibing was purely medicinal; I was stupid enough to grab a 600°F woodstove handle by the metal part. I had to keep a cold beer in my hand to ward off the pain. And by the time I ran out of beer, I was numb enough to no longer feel it. The perfect plan.


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