Thursday, July 19, 2007

What have I been doing apart from problem drinking?

Lest everybody think that all I do is drink (which is a reasonable impression given my last few posts) I'll give an update on my more mild-mannered life.

Work life

Gotta say, every now and then I love this job. It's gotten better recently, what with my new office that is more spacious and has windows. Natural light is my favourite kind of light. The field work has been pretty cool too; it's nice to spend a day at sea with the folks from the CCG and get paid for it.

Lastly, I participated in an employee survey recently. The turnout was low so they had to resort to bribing people by offering prizes. Found out I won one. Expecting a ballcap, coffee mug, or other company merchandise, I was pleasantly surprised with a bottle of red wine! A company that helps me get drunk is a good company.

Shed construction

During my week off, I tackled building a shed. It's turning out to be a whole lot more work than anticipated, as the ground on which it's being built is terribly lumpy. So far I've got most of the piers laid out, which is a very labour intensive and iterative process of digging, checking for levelness, moving, etc. I should be able to tackle the joists next week. Haven't been able to lately as the weather has been, and this'll sound weird, too nice for heavy work. Also, I had to deal with spanworms (see below).

Lethal chemicals

During my break from shed building, the spanworms came. And heavy. A maple in my neighbour's yard that partially shades mine is now rendered leafless. And the little shaggers got all over my building materials and house. So I got a can of Raid and gassed 'em good! Nothing more satisying than hearing the <thud, thud, thud> of dead spanworm falling from the walls. I got some Killex too, and I hope that the weeds in my yard will meet with a similar fate.

Furniture building

Finally got my bookcase done a couple of weeks ago. Looks pretty decent, if I do say so myself, and so far it's been bearing the weight of hardcovers without collapse.

Now my coffee table is nearing completion. Spent about 2 hours sanding and staining last night, the most onerous of all woodworking tasks. Got pretty dizzy from the fumes; might have to invest in a fan.

There we are... a few more dimensions of Dave. Of course, I do have a few more "being blitzed" anecdotes to share, but those are for another post.


Blogger Brad Gash said...

Ah... It's so nice not to have to deal with those friggin span worms here :)
I did, however, have a wasp nest at my side door right above my BBQ that was constructed earlier this week, that also had to be gassed yesterday with a can of Raid Wasp Nest Destroyer... Likewise, there was some satisfaction - Stop me from BBQing, will you?!

8:57 a.m.  
Blogger Dave Green said...

Yeah, count your lucky stars. What cracks me up is the ever-moving prophecy that they "won't be so bad next year". This is the fourth year I've heard that!!!

11:55 a.m.  

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