Monday, January 26, 2009

A productive, less sober weekend

It's not a strong correlation. Phew... thought I'd have to cut back :)

Friday night was kinda tame, once again. We headed to Bitter's to check out the AngelShakes, who were all right, if a little heavy on the glockenspiel (not often I level that criticism at a group). We decided we had enough of that and then headed to the bowling alley bar again. It's scary; I think it's becoming a watering hole for us lately. But with cheap beer and pizza, how can one really go wrong?

Saturday I once again got an early start on the day. Got a chicken stock made, and got a bit of tidying done in my office (it's still a mess, but it's an ordered mess, you see). Also got a little clock time in, and a Canadian Tire run. Unfortunately, I realized that getting an early start only makes you tired earlier. So I plonked in front of the tube for a solid couple of hours. Then Ginny and I made a supermarket run, and then a liquor store run, and then had a bunch of drinks at her place. It was good fun -- I like guzzling wine and shooting the shit.

Sunday I slept in till 11:00, which was brutal, but I still managed to get a lot of stuff done. After a couple of hours in the workshop, all the clock parts are made, and the first coat of stain applied. Even got some work reading done (which will justify an early departure today) at Hava Java. Then went to the Yellowbelly for some pizza, which was both awesome and not outrageously priced.

On the work front, I may be heading to Calgary next week for a couple of days, in order to attend a kickoff meeting for this new project. Not as exotic as, say, Egypt, but it would move the marker as to how far west I've been in North America (currently the stanchion lies in Minneapolis). Details should become clearer soon.


Blogger Tiffa said...

Calgary.... WTF! I wish it was during one of my stretches off :( If it could be pushed back to next month (like end of Feb) rather than next week, I would so be there.

1:18 a.m.  
Blogger Dave Green said...

It's shaping up to be a quick visit anyways. Get there Monday, leave on Tuesday night -- that sort of thing.

I think there's another trip to Calgary somewhere down the road with this project, hopefully a little lengthier -- I'll keep you posted!

11:07 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you going to go to a Flames game?


1:36 p.m.  
Blogger Dave Green said...

I checked... they're away that night.

2:10 p.m.  

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