Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Kinda wish it'll be declared a snow day...

...but I also don't want to head out until it's all over. Ah well.

So it looks like another project will be added to my workload sometime soon. I'm awaiting the kickoff meeting. This one should be pretty interesting. I also found out that if I do head to China for the other project, it won't be until the fall, not the spring as previously stated. I'm OK with that.

I had my first lecture in almost five years yesterday. I had missed the first one of the course (owing to a meeting that just had to be held at that time) but I later found out that that class had been cancelled anyway. Two wrongs do make a right. It actually went all right -- this course could be quite interesting. If I sit through all the lectures, and finalize this damn P.Eng paperwork, I'll have my "performance objectives" all completed for this year.

The cooking course gets more and more interesting. We made two cream soups last night -- asparagus and tomato -- and both turned out awesome. When I get a free evening, I'll have to head out and get some ingredients and see if I can replicate that success.

Free time has been hard to come by this week. Not that I'm complaining; I like being on the go. Tonight, it's meeting with the choir director to discuss some other roles she has in mind for me. Hopefully all will become clear.

It's gotten really rotten out -- I could have sworn there was a building across the road...


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