Monday, February 09, 2009

Pretty full weekend

My Friday evening started out pretty early. C-CORE had just won the "Best Small Employer" Award for Newfoundland, which was pretty cool, so we had a little party in the office at 3pm involving snacks and wine. Most people at the office are the responsible sort -- meaning I had to step up and be a suitable counterbalance. Then there was a happy hour planned for right after work, so a few of us had some beverages at Arriba's.

Thereafter, I had a cards night planned at J&J's place. So good times were had there. Except for the wine I bought -- that's twice I've brought an untested bottle of wine to J&J's and have it turn out to be terrible. Thankfully, I had brought along a bit of scotch to wash the taste out. Called it a night at around 1:30.

Saturday involved a bit of workshop cleaning. Which was tough slogging. That'll be a project of its own. It was mudder's birthday, so we went out for supper at the Gypsy Tea Room in its new(ish) location at the Murray Premises. I was very impressed.

That night I hosted a small bruhaha at my place in preparation for heading to the GTP. Fewer people showed up than had been planned, but it was still a good time had. The highlight had to have been entering the pub, seeing that dodgy cougar across the room again, and then later giving me guff about not going over and saying hello. Hilarious.

Sunday morning I was ridiculously hung over. I'm now deeming J&J "bad influences." :) But I pulled through it... and even managed to make some asparagus soup which I think turned out well. Met up with Ginny for a coffee, and then pissed the night away not doing anything in particular. That's nice every now and then.

This morning I had a dentist appointment which went well. I'm now in the process of re-staining my teeth with coffee, and lamenting this slow-moving Monday...


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