Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Early returns

So, I actually managed to get an item crossed off the list this weekend. The shed roof is done. And by the looks of the forecast, it should get a minor test tonight.

This past weekend was all over the place. I'll just make a list -- it's easiest.

  1. Spaghetti Squash at Ginny's. It actually does come out looking like spaghetti!
  2. Coffee at Hava Java.
  3. Jazz (!) at the Rose and Thistle. Those guys were good.
  4. Early Saturday morning run. I'm still able to run for 20 minutes, which is encouraging. Not as good as some people I know, but it's a start ;)
  5. A bit of yardwork, and sizing up the shed roof, which was not water damaged as I had feared since the fall.
  6. Cape Spear with Ginny and Jenn (and Hendrix, Rob's dog).
  7. Eurovision (?) at Bitter's Pub. We arrived a bit late, but caught the tail end of the rowdy. Got ourselves some Stella pint glasses!
  8. Pool at West Side Charlies (ironically, the one in the east end)
  9. Late night eatery at Rustler's.
  10. Ushering at church Sunday morning.
  11. More coffee at Hava Java with Ginny.
  12. Kent/Canadian Tire/Chapter's run.
  13. Baked chicken parmesan at my place.
  14. Rock Band at C&A's.
  15. Shed roof repairs on Monday morning.
  16. Northern Bay Sands excursion. Guess what? The ocean is cold.
  17. Moose burgers at the Guv'nor.
  18. Chores (including prepping crème brulée) before crashing hard last night.

All in all, a great Victoria Day weekend. And the weather was awesome for all three days -- I can't remember the last May 24 when that was the case.

I'm thinking about investing in an outdoor fireplace. I had been thinking about it for a while, as it would actually be an outdoor furnishing of some sort. But now the potential aesthetic has been married to a practicality: I could burn all the loose spruce ends and dead branches in my back yard. This is the sort of stuff that's too much trouble to store in the shed and burn during the winter. And it'll certainly help with task #4 in the previous post.

Ah, fire. The biblical cleanser.


Blogger Tiffa said...

Some people you know hey :P Thanks for the compliment! 20 min run is not bad though! Gotta start from somewhere and it can only get better from there!

12:34 p.m.  

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