Brightening mornings
A decidedly discouraging sign was the snowstorm we had on Saturday. Believe it or not, on Saturday. It pretty well wrecked all plans, except for a birthday shindig hosted at Richard and Jennifer's place. With the help of an intrepid cab driver, I managed to make it there -- and I'm glad, because they had awesome seafood chowder there. It was an earlier night, and I was back before midnight (in stark contrast to last weekend).
In view of the pending storm, Ginny moved her birthday dinner to Friday. That was a great night too: a fine meal at Get Stuffed, and then a few drinks at the Grapevine. Again, an earlier night, but after last weekend, I could certainly use the rest. And the lineup for the next few weeks is a little frightening for my liver: Beer fest, the deferred "larger" part of Ginny's b-day celebrations, and a Good Friday/birthday pub crawl.
Yesterday was a domestic day. Made bread, stock, and some lunches for the upcoming week. Also grocery shopped and cleaned up a bit. Oh, and got my taxes done -- looks like, for the second year in a row, I should get a refund. This one isn't as large as last year's, and doesn't have the element of novelty this year, so it doesn't get its own post.